Beware: Watch for these Common Preventable Hazards
Almost every adult understands the hazards posed by electricity, whether outside or inside the home. It is a valuable but deadly tool. This can in no way be overstated. It is so easy to take electricity for granted because people use it every day. People can grow careless, and that is where the problems begin.
System Overload: Power Strips and Too Many plugs
While power strips are incredibly useful and help accommodate multiple plugs in one area. They are particularly handy for computers or entertainment systems. The danger is plugging one power strip into another or plugging in several high voltage items. An outlet is made to move only a certain amount of electricity. Using adaptors or plugging in multiple power strips can cause an overload and ignite.
Proper use of power strips:
- Never plug one into another strip
- Use power strips with built-in circuit breakers to prevent overload
Up to Code: Aged Wiring
The more people do, the more they learn. This has absolutely proved true in the area of electricity. Ever since the current wars between Tesla and Edison, those who use and experiment with electricity continue to learn more about how it works and develop ways to make it safer to use.
All that being said, electrical codes and wiring technology are continually improving for the safety of the general public. Wiring needs to be inspected by a qualified professional to verify that no problems exist. Malfunctioning wires can result from rodents chewing the wire insulation or just normal wear and tear from bending wires or corrosion.
Warning Signs of Wiring Problems:
- Outlets growing hot to the touch or sparking
- Lights flickering for no apparent reason
- Breakers tripping over and over again
A large percentage of all house fires are caused by faulty wiring. Don’t be caught out in the cold. Have wires checked out and fixed before they cause a catastrophe.
Operation Lightbulb: Using the Wrong Wattage
So the light in someone’s living room lamp has burned out again, and the only bulb available in the house to replace it is a much higher wattage than what is recommended. It seems easy enough to screw it in. It may make the room a bit brighter than it was before, but it seems like a harmless thing to do. While this simple act may seem benign, it may lead to an overload in the lamp and cause an electrical fire. When replacing a bulb, a homeowner needs to make sure the wattage is equal to or less than the recommended wattage that is printed on the side of the socket.
Electricity has changed the way people live. People cannot carelessly use this immensely helpful tool, or disastrous results can occur. Homeowners must respect the power of electricity and use the electrical wiring in their homes safely.
About Vetted HVAC Services
The technicians of Vetted HVAC Services are ready to meet all a customer’s home needs, from electrical to HVAC to plumbing. Satisfaction is guaranteed, and they provide 24-hour service. Call Vetted HVA Services today for any and all electrical service needs in Yorkton, SK.